We stayed overnight one night in Maine this year to celebrate the 4th of July with the Dawsons. We celebrated on the weekend prior to the 4th and stayed in a small condo in Wells. It was the boys' first time sleeping in the same bedroom together, in twin beds! Super, super cute. We had to lie down with each of them to get them to fall asleep. Gabe would have gone down just fine on his own, but Zach was wired from the new experience and gibber jabbering until we went in to calm him down.
The weather in Maine was fabulous, and we spent a lot of time at the beach. It was a great way to kick off the summer.
first day at the beach
showing Gabe how to skip rocks
Gabe & Cameron
baby Drew!
relaxing on the twin bed at the condo
relaxing in my twin bed
second day at the beach
Momo's wheelbarrows were a big hit
a baby Drew photo shoot!
he was such a flirt!
Uncle Guy built this huge sandcastle
Gabe "driving" cousin Danny's Cadillac
and taking little Samantha for a ride
baby Drew wanted in, too!
playing with baby Drew's drums in their matching outfits
the gang eating dinner
pictures of the group