Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mom's Not Ready!

It doesn't seem real.  Not at all.  My baby moved into his ultimate Big Boy Bed yesterday (i.e. as big as the crib converts).  One full size box spring.  Plus one full size mattress.  Equals one ginormous bed.  For one very little boy.  Not ready. 

I think the bed is too big for him.  Don't want to keep him in it.  Not ready.  Not ready at all for this.  And just you wait until you see it.  You won't be ready, either.  Wah!

look how big it is!  (he's actually in the bed - somewhere in there)

see?  (too big)

three boys, building a bed

he helped J the entire time.  almost an hour!  (as I'm typing this post, Gabe just reported, "Mom, it took a lot of work for me and Daddy to build my bed.  but we did it."  he's so proud!)

Zach was on and off the scene

rapt attention

power tools! - Zach was equal parts excited and scared - he'd run out of the room at times

look at Zach's expression!

and he had some strange thing stuck to the top of his head

but it eventually fell off in all of the excitement

the big boy bed

two little boys checking out the new bed

jumping on the new bed (of course)

little brother's turn to jump

two jumping boys

time for bed!

so excited!

love it

look how thrilled he is!

so big

and now he's hiding

first kiss in the big boy bed

still wants to sleep at the other end

but back to his pillow

proud boy

time for a picture with mom 

and there's his discarded crib mattress and teeny tiny changing table mattress! boo hoo!

As we were getting ready for bed last night, I suggested to Gabe that now that he's in his big boy bed, he probably doesn't need his changing table anymore, either.  So, we took the changing pad off of his bureau and made his room a total transformation.  All of a sudden, Gabe suggested that he'd like to wear his underwear to bed now (instead of his pull up!). 

And all he wants to do is play in his room and on his bed.  He wanted to go to sleep before 6:00 PM last night, and he wants to "take a rest" on his bed this morning...  too cute!

Two Little Comedians

Both boys woke up this morning with statements early on that just cracked me up.  This was Gabe's when he first woke up this morning:

"Mom, I had a bad dream last night... and I was so angry that I had a mean glint in my eye."


Glint?  Seriously?


And here's Zach's:

The boys were watching their morning show.  When the theme song came on, Gabe got all excited, jumped off of the couch, and started dancing in front of the TV.  Zach looked at him and said:

"Gabe, calm down, now!" 


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

It's Christmas Eve.  I had a sentimental post brewing in my mind, but Gabe made me laugh so hard tonight that I have to share a light post instead.

So, our elf appeared upstairs this morning - the first time that he's shown up on the second floor.  Gabe was so impressed by it that he ran to get his "video camera" this morning to film the miraculous Kim.  So cute.  Anyway, in the excitement of Christmas Eve, Gabe saw Kim outside of his bedroom and said, "Merry Christmas, Kim.  I'm going to miss you." 

When I told him that Kim will be here for at least one more day, Gabe said, "well, he's just a little guy, and I want to take care of him."


On to the laugh-out-loud funny.  Gabe was too afraid to go to the bathroom tonight.  He didn't want to take the time to do a poop, as he was afraid that he if he took the time to go, Santa might pass over the house (because he wasn't in bed).  I encouraged him to take his time, telling him that Santa would want him to go.  All of a sudden, Gabe screams that he went poop.  He yells, "it's so cute, Mom.  It looks like a little ornament."

Sorry, I know this is an uncouth post, but it made me crack up so hard that Gabe actually thought I was making fun of him and laughing at him.  Had to explain that I was laughing because I thought he said one of the funniest things ever............

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Will You Still Love Me?

Okay, he's only four.  How does he know about these naughty things?

I was praising Gabe today for all of the beautiful Christmas artwork that he brought home from school.  I told him how much I loved him, and this is how the conversation went from there:

Gabe:  Will you still love me if I don't make art?

Me:  Yes.

Gabe:  I'm passing gas.

Me:  Okay.

Gabe:  Will you still love me if I pass gas?

Me:  Yes.

Gabe:  Will you still love me if I pass gas in your face?

Me:  No.  I mean, yes.  But that's not a nice thing to do, and it's very yucky.

Three (four, if you count Henry) boys in this's going to an interesting ride!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Did I Forget To Blog About Transcend?

When J was driving the boys home from the aquarium the other night, Gabe asked Auntie Titi what "transcend" means.  What???

I was SO glad that Titi was the one to get that question.  She answered it brilliantly.  I have a feeling I would not have done as good a job as she!


The boys are watching their morning show right now.  The paleontologist on Dinosaur Train was talking about "migrate".  Gabe asked me if we migrated.  On auto pilot, I answered no.  He said:

"But mom, we did migrate when we moved from our brown house."


#1 This child has STILL not forgotten about his beloved brown house.
#2 He's way too smart.
#3 He's going to be talking about migrate all day.
God love him!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Two Bilingual Boys

So, Gabe's taking a Spanish class at school.  Super Cute.  (What was not cute was when I thought the Spanish class was for me and other moms and said as much to some of the parents.  Oops.)  Anyway, with some of the Spanish being spoken in the house now (uno, dos, tres, etc.), Zach's picking up on it.  We were lying on the couch watching TV this morning, when all of a sudden Zach says:

"uno, dos, twenty."


Friday, December 16, 2011

A Trip To The Aquarium!

I was going to take the boys to the aquarium yesterday, but we didn't end up going.  Gabe happened to mention to J this morning that we were going to the aquarium this afternoon, and J informed us that he had a meeting in Boston today and planned to park at the aquarium parking garage!  Turns out, J's meeting got over around 3:30pm, he was able to meet us right at the aquarium, and the whole family, plus Auntie Titi, spent the afternoon there!

The new touch tank - where you touch sting rays and small sharks that swim around in a big circle - was super cool.  Gabe wasn't sure that he wanted to touch the sting rays, but he got up the nerve to touch a shark (if only the shark had swam near him).  Zach preferred to look through the glass.  I squawked (in fear myself and far away from the boys) the first couple of times that I touched the rays, too.  Funny - they are really soft and not what I'd imagined that they'd feel like.  The sharks were also softer than I'd imagined, though they had more of sandpaper feel.  Gabe liked the touch tank so much that we spent most of our time there.  I really can't blame him - it was very cool!

Titi at the touch tank

so cute

Titi & Gabe looking at the big tank

this is the hugest turtle (bigger than the scuba diver)

this was my favorite little guy - he was so cute (and he loved to pose for the camera)

not my favorite - but dangerous, as I learned today

another cute guy

I think this guy was in Nemo

back to the touch tank for another try

pushing his little brother in the stroller (cannot believe how big they're getting!)


The Cutest Donut Ever

We saw Auntie Titi today!  And she gave the boys ornaments.  Zach got a donut (his favorite!), and Gabe got Buddy the T-Rex from the show, Dinosaur Train (his favorite!).  When we went to put the ornaments on the tree, Zach said:

"Mom, the cutest donut ever."  (direct quote)

He's getting so big and he's so darn cute.  I want to eat him up (and his donut, too!).  Thanks for the great ornaments, Titi!

and here's the cutest donut!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

One Of Zach's Crazy Habits

For quite some time now, Zach's been a stuffer.  He loves to stuff things into other things.  I'm not sure what kind of career this could turn into, but it seems to be a true passion of his.  If I'm not watching, he'll stuff food into toys.  Yuck.  And another level of yuck is when he takes Henry's food and stuffs it into the doors and windows of cars and trucks.  I'll be putting toys away or playing with a toy when I hear Henry's food clinking inside.  And he's so proud of his stuffing accomplishments.  This morning, he stuffed banana bread into the steam pipe on his "polar ethpeth" train.  Ugh. 

see the bread in the steam pipe?

here it is again, in case you missed it

oh, and here he is stuffing rocks into a t-ball stand this summer


and stuffing - look how hard he's working

oh, and as I was typing this post, he came over looking for his train (I took it away to clean the pipe).  When I gave it back to him, he pointed out that the cab had banana bread in it, too.  Seriously?  Do you see it in there?