Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Zach's Trademark

Every night, when Jason and I get ready for bed, this is what greets us in our bathroom:

doors open, stuff on the floor

stuff in the tub

And we know that Zach's been in our room.  It's his trademark.  At first, we'd walk in to find a zillion q-tips scattered on the floor.  When we moved the q-tips out of reach, he'd put all of our perfume/cologne on the floor.  Now, stuff goes on the floor and stuff gets dropped into the tub. Why is this fun?  I know.  We need locks on our bathroom cabinets.  Problem solved.  But, every night when we put all of this stuff back, I always wonder what's so fun about dropping stuff into the tub.  And it seriously only takes him a SECOND to accomplish this mess.  

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