Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Couple Funny Things from Yesterday

I never got to the blog yesterday.  We were dealing with water in the house.  I guess we have an ice damn from all of this freaking snow.  As a result, we now have water in the kids' playroom and in Zach's room.  There's water in the ceilings and on the walls.  Last night, it was dripping from the light fixture in the playroom.  J drilled holes in the ceilings to let some of the water run out.  So sad.  Our new house is broken!  Wah!  This winter stinks.

Even during the chaos of yesterday, there were a couple of funny things that were said.  Henry went to the groomers yesterday morning to get his haircut.  It was my morning to sleep in so J took the kids out to breakfast, and then they dropped Henry off at the groomers.  The first thing Gabe said to me when I woke up was that Henry was getting a haircut and that he (Gabe) did not need a haircut.  When Henry came home from the groomers, Gabe yelled, "Oh, Henry, you look so beautiful."  Henry ran away from Gabe (since Gabe usually bothers him), and then Gabe chased Henry around the house telling him that he looked so beautiful.  This went on for a while, actually.  I'm not sure what Gabe expected from Henry as far as a response....

Gabe's stomach rumbled yesterday, and I told him that I heard his belly and that he must be hungry.  In response, Gabe said, "my stomach's just grumpy."

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